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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read through these Q&As before asking a question via the form on the home page.  Thank you!

Is BARR dangerous?

It is perfectly safe for all.  Any practices I teach that could be difficult for people are avoided or taken very slow to ensure the safety of all.


Why are you qualified for this?

This is a great question and not one I can answer directly.  I can say I have had a lot of experience in the fields of psychology, Buddhism, energy healing, manifestation, yoga, Hinduism, emotional releasing and much more.  I feel my thirty years of trial and error experience in all of these is what makes me qualifies, as well as the succcess rate I've had with clients.  I can also say I have helped many people.  I can't guarantee I can help everyone but I can tell you when I meet you if that is you.  Not every coach is good for every individual.  We will figure this out together.


Are you a yogi, a master, etc.?

No I'm a regular guy that wants to help people and do my part in healing the world.  I have only learned how to facilitate emotional releasing and have a certification in breathwork that is recognized by the Yoga Alliance.  Experience is my master and one should be careful of anyone that suggests they are a master or above you in any way.  


Do you have testimonials?  

Sure, but should I put them on the site?  I find if I go to a site and see a testimonial, I actually get more skeptical.  It seems like salesmanship to me.  You can tell from my videos, I am no salesman.  I just want to heal as many people as I can. 


What if I don't like it?  Can I get my money back? 

I will be happy to give 50% of your money back should you not be happy with the first appointment.  I believe this is fair considering there is quite a lot of information and opportunity to understand AND experience what I do on the website.  Most coaches would not do this.


How long does it take to experience results?

Please watch this video as it is a difficult question to answer in text format.  











What are the diet considerations?

See video










Do I need to have any physical qualifications?

No.  Everything can be worked around.  Everyone has the opportunity to grow.  All "handicaps" are not "handicaps."  The only thing you need is a quiet space.


What do you need to know about me?

Once you book, you will have some time to tell me about yourself.  There are some specific questions you will be able to answer and although it's not required, a brief few pargraphs of your life and anything you think I should know that would help you.


Any other considerations or things I should know?

Yes.  You will need the ability to be alone and have a quiet place.  This can be tough for some.  Even leaving early for work and sitting in your car to do a practice is possible. But you need to have the motivation to do this.  You will need loose clothing for most practices and you will also need a meditation cushion.  If you can't use one (yet), you will need a chair without arm rests that allow you to sit up straight and have your feet flat on the floor.  A stool is better if you don't need a back rest, the latter being very important to do if it is possible.  Finally, you need patience.  We all plateau in our journeys, whether it's with physical activity like sports or fitness, intellectual understandings or awakening.  We are not meant to jump to the top, we need time to process things.  If we didn't have that time, we would go crazy!


Thank you for reading and if you have any other questions please ask on the homepage.

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