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Personal Growth

If you are interested in creating a nice, calm and content life for yourself, BARR and the supportive practices will do wonders!  Our growth is a lifetime journey but so many of us are completely stuck in one spot.  We are running on a treadmill because there are underlying issues we can't get past.  We start to get better but then we get sucked back to the same old patterns.  


This is because our emotions are stuck due to traumas.  It is important to understand that trauma is not just things like sexual abuse or childhood issues.  Trauma occurs when we can't deal with an emotion at the current time and we suppress it.  That's it.  That is trauma.  We get scared of our feelings and send them deep down into our bodies/subconscious.  


Talking about these emotions and things only goes so far.  We can accept them and that helps quite a bit, but if we don't offer them the ability to escape, they will still be affecting us.  These effects come as patterns that don't go completely away and a lack of catharsis that can be taken care of through emotional releasing and NOT reliving it like in talk therapies.  


Would you rather spend a year and thousands of dollars on a few issues or months and hundreds on dozens of issues?  And would you rather them still be there, just not as powerful, or would you rather these issues literally disappear?  

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