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Spiritual Growth

Even if we have been practicing various meditative practices, yogic kriyas and assannas, chakra cleansing, etc, we can still get plateaued by our emotions and subconscious.  From someone that had been through the gammut of practices, I can safely say that BARR, emotional releasing and the other techniques I teach can boost you past your current stuckness and into the next realm of spiritual growth. 


If you are looking for spiritual growth, please have some experience in spiritual or religious practices.  If you are starting from day one, we will start at personal growth and move up from there.  This doesn't mean you can't do both at the same time but it is better to have an understanding of ourselves, our emotions and be cleaned up from the traumas of our subconscious before we attempt to transcend to other levels of consciousness.  All levels interconnect so it's not as black and white as I'm suggesting now, but it's as best as I can explain the process in words.  Experience is the goal and the true understanding of it all. 

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